When we practice 5Rhythms Embodied Movement, we open up to the potential of the present moment, inviting a deep felt sense of being in the body. As we connect to our breath, sensations and feelings, we allow movement and the mystery of our dance to emerge.
It might look completely different from the dancing you do in a night club or at a party or even other dance practices. We are learning to dive deeper into our felt sense, connecting with and following the flow of energy moving through us as at any given time. If we think we have to dance a certain way, this can sometimes limit us, so I often refer to this practice as movement rather than dance: a highly creative and alive relationship to each moment. My foundation in this work comes from 5Rhythms, a dynamic movement meditation practice created by Gabrielle Roth, who inspired thousands of people to move. 'Put the psyche into motion and it will heal itself'. GR In the 5Rhythms practice we explore maps that contain 5 different rhythms, flow, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness. When we move through these 5Rhythms we call it a Wave. Combining my love of - and 30 years of experience in - dancing 5Rhythms, my classes often contain a Wave. I am an accredited 5Rhythms teacher and I have been teaching for over 15 years. A couple of years ago I started offering my classes as 5Rhythms and Embodied Movement. In my classes you will find a lot of permission to slow down, to pause, to breathe deeply, to close your eyes and to keep connected to the information that you receive from going inside. My teachers who have inspired this shift in my offerings, have been Continumm Movement (Emilie Conrad), Susan Harper, Whole Body Focusing, and from observing the bodies of the dancers who come to my classes. What you can expect from a 2 hour class. We begin each class with a warm up, spending time arriving in the space and into our bodies: stretching, breathing and dancing in a way that feels supportive and useful, in any moment. At the beginning of most of my classes, I observe that bodies want to be still for a long period of time, being on the floor and using the support of the ground as a container. This allows space to rest and be inside oneself before gradually becoming more aware of the space and the other dancers. There are no steps to learn and you can't get it wrong. You're invited to explore in your own way how your energy wants to move and be expressed through your body. A class will often have a focus and be different every week. I like to offer practices that invite the mover to experience new and interesting ways of being in the body. Expanding our tool kit of experiencing being embodied when we dance and move. The 5Rhythms Flowing Allowing our body to receive and move with continuous fluid movement, creating circles and spirals. Through our feet or moving on the floor, we connect to the earth and start to bring more of our awareness into the body. We focus on the inhale and love our flow to find us. Staccato We let the beat move the body, creating clear, defined shapes. Staccato allows us to practice clarity, boundaries and expression. We learn to express our inner worlds out into the space. We focus on our our breath. Chaos The rhythm reaches its peak as we let our bodies surrender, release and let go of the mind's hold over the body. We explore our edges to the point where time and space dissolve. Lyrical The place we land after we've danced ourselves empty from chaos. Lightening up and spreading our wings, we soar through space. We let go of letting go , and open our hearts to the moment. Stillness Dissolving from one shape into another, full breath and fully embodied - we've arrived home, complete, and moving from our still centres. What to bring: Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Water. We dance barefoot unless you need to wear trainers or dancing shoes to support you. Please see www.5rhythms.com for more information about the practice. |